We love hearing how our products have helped our customers’ horses. We recently caught up with Sara Caswell at Burghley 2023 who told us how well her cob, Digger, has been doing since she started feeding HorseHage Timothy.
“Digger my gorgeous cob is 14 and has PSSM [Polysaccharide storage myopathy] which has been diagnosed for many years, I have always fed him soaked hay as I did not think anything else was really an option.”
“He lived out so did not cause too many problems, but it was always a pain to travel him with wet hay nets and as you can imagine a joy in the middle of winter with frozen taps etc.”
“Last year he was really poorly, with a horrendous cough that would not go away with any form of steroids, he was coughing even standing still and his breathing rate was terrible, constantly heaving.”
“We tried everything.”
“He was diagnosed with severe COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] and the outlook was not looking great. I totally changed his management to help and one of the things I tried was your Timothy Haylage as I had realised it was very low in sugar (to be ok for his PSSM) and had no dust, so would be great for his COPD.”
“I feed soaked hay still in his field in the winter but for everything else I use your haylage, it really is a god-send and he LOVES it!”
“It saves me so much hassle and everywhere getting drenched and wasting valuable water, he is doing so well on it.”
“He comes in a lot more now, if the weather is bad as it seems to be better for his PSSM and his breathing and your haylage has helped so much.”
“Taking him out in his trailer is much easier and I am not damaging the trailer with wet hay nets soaking through everything too.”
“I have peace of mind that I know the sugar content, I know it has no dust and I can feed it whenever I need without making him fizzy or fat.”
“Your haylage really is a huge help in managing two very difficult diseases and a very good doer combined. He is going from strength to strength, we have only a very occasional cough, no heaving, no signs of PSSM, I have my fun-loving horse back which makes me so happy, in fact he is better than he has ever been.”
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