With the possibility of a hard winter ahead and forage prices increasing, you can provide additional high quality digestible fibre by feeding a fibre-based feed in place of cereals.
If you have an underweight horse or pony or one that tends to lose weight over the colder months and then struggles to put it on again, Mollichaff Condition Complete may be the ideal feed choice.
Mollichaff Condition Complete is a highly digestible, high fibre, high oil and low starch blend in a single bag. It can be fed as a complete concentrate feed alongside good quality forage, when fed at the recommended levels, and contains a broad spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement. This makes life easier for you as you don’t need to shop for anything else to feed other than good quality forage, because it contains all the dietary requirements your horse or pony needs.
It is made from a balanced blend of alfalfa, dried grass, oat straw, fibre pellets, barley, soya flakes, soya oil and mint, plus Yea-sacc® – a natural live yeast culture – and a prebiotic to help maintain a healthy digestive system.
Essential fatty acids are provided by the soya oil to help maintain healthy skin and encourage a glossy coat.

Kelly Marsden’s horse, Mr Anderson (or Neo as he is known at home), a 15-year-old, 16.2hh Kinsky horse (a Warmblood that originated in the Czech Republic) was purchased by her as a scruffy, unbroken seven-year-old when she was living down in London and was looking for a ‘project horse’. She started feeding him on Mollichaff Condition Complete five years ago as she was looking to build him up ready for the show season.
Said Kelly: “Neo absolutely loves Mollichaff Condition Complete and it really has improved how he looks as well as his energy levels, but without the fizziness. It suits him so well and I feed him on it all year round.”
Kelly since moved up to Yorkshire and currently competes on Neo at Elementary level dressage.
“He’s been a dream and is the best horse I’ll ever have the chance to own. He loves the spotlight and now looks wonderful – so different from the ugly horse I took a gamble on!”
Mollichaff Condition Complete is suitable for encouraging weight gain in underweight horses and ponies and can also help to maintain weight and condition in competition horses and ponies.
Because it is a fibre-based feed, it provides a more natural way of feeding your horse or pony compared to a high cereal diet. The addition of mint makes Mollichaff Condition Complete particularly appealing to horses because of its taste and aroma, so your horse should really enjoy it!